Aka about me

Name: Azure
Also known as: AzurePrincet, Ser, Fennu
Age: 24
Home country: Finland
- Guestbook
- Mail at azure[at]garudo[dot]net
- DeviantART azureprincet.deviantart.com
- Tumblr azureprincet.tumblr.com
Hobbies: Drawing, writing fanfic and original fiction, video games, occasionally knitting, crocheting and sewing
Assorted interests: Computers, Pokemon, fantasy literature, anime, natural sciences
Miscellaneous facts:
- I work as a software developer, and that's also what I'm studying. Still got a handful of courses left.
- My favourite color is apple green, and that's why my fursona's shirt is that color.
- I don't drink soda, coffee, tea or alcohol (can't stand the taste, or in the case of soda, the bubbles). This makes it awkward to visit places where people want to be polite and offer me something to drink
- I've been a huge Pokemon fan basically from the day the show started airing in Finland, but I only got my first game when I was 17. It was Pokemon SoulSilver.
- I own a large array of cacti that take up a considerable portion of my kitchen table.